Saturday, March 24, 2012

The four seasons

Spring is nature’s way of saying you have a beautiful world.
The best thing to enjoy in a lazy summer afternoon, is a cool lemonade and a friend beside you.
Autumn is a good time to walk in the park with your love ones and see the magic of nature, how every leaf is a flower.
Winters are colder when we don’t have warm memories.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

There are 5 types of people:

1-Those who  make things happen.
2-Those who think they make things happen.
3-Those who watch things happen.
4-Those who wonder what the heck happened.
5-Those that didn't know anything had happened.


Watch your dreams; They become thoughts.
Watch your thoughts;They become words.
Watch your words; They become actions.
Watch your actions; They become habits.
Watch your habits; They become the character.
Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.